Friday, May 23, 2008

News Update

Sorry I haven't blogged in such a long time...most people probably don't even check my blog anymore :( But here is an update on some important news. As you may have guessed, we are moving along with the rest of the Jolleys. We are leaving for Arizona on June 2nd. Lots of things are still up in the air about our stay there, but I will try to keep everyone posted.

Second, William and I are expecting our second child :) The baby is due in December. Again, we will keep everyone informed as to gender and exact due date, etc.

We love you all!


  1. we are so excited for the new addtion and that you guys will soon be down here. glad we can see you soon

  2. Oh my I was starting to loose hope with your blog! Congrats on the new one very exciting! June 2nd thats so soon we are going to miss you guys!! Good luck with everything! Ans since your moving you need to be a better blogger so we can be updated! I need your e-mail to add you to my blog soon I'll be going private.

  3. CONGRATS!!! :) What a blessing! Good luck with your fam & the move!

  4. I'm still not okay with all the Jolley's moving away.... Were going to miss you guys and miss seeing Boyd play with all his cousins... But I hope the "up in the air" means you might come back to Utah??? :)

  5. Hope you like Arizona, we loved it there. Congrats on your new baby.
