Friday, February 22, 2008

First Words

I don't really remember the exact day I decided Joseph said his first word...he certainly says "mama" and "dada" but I'm not sure if the words are actually about us or just sounds he makes. I do have some other words that he has been saying lately that I know are associated with actually objects. He says ball when playing with a ball (imagine that!) When he watches his little reading video, he tries to say kick before it even comes on the screeen (I think he has the video least the first couple words.) He also tries to say point. All of his words are said only after prompting or after seeing/hearing the word...but I'm excited nontheless.


  1. Yay! JUST WAIT...your days are numbered now! Matthew is becoming quite the little smart-alec - Now when I count to three I say "One..." and then he finishes for me..."TWO..." (sigh) Get ready for it - and enjoy your few remaining days of quiet with Joseph! ;0)

  2. Thats exciting. Our kids are getting big so fast I love it but it makes me a little sad at the same time. Joseph will be saying sentences before you know it. so cute

  3. I can't believe how big he is getting. So cute. Kinda of sad he's one already time really flys by. I got that floating tube at Target they had a bunch of different colors.

  4. he's a prodigy!

    my kids are pretty slow to talk, but, of course, they make up for it. lucy is still grunting and pointing. gets old faaast.

  5. TAG! Yer it! Read my blog for the rules!
