Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Party Time!

Now, onto the party...
Joseph opened up a huge remote monster truck...Thanks to TJ and Becky Vidaurri who gave that to us a year and a half ago. Joseph is definitely ready for it now :)

Molly and Ashlyn gave Joseph the movie The Reef which we have already watched twice :)

Joseph also received a fun penguin backpack from Great-Grandma and Grandpa Jolley, a set of building blocks (leftover from Christmas...I forgot to put them under the tree!), a Thomas the Train set of movies, and the Thomas the Tank Engine toy that I put on the cake. Ashlyn and Cash both got to take one home as a party gift.

Ta Da! Here's the cake...I loved making it.

I made it with applesauce and egg substitute so that it was relatively healthy. Of course the frosting was made with 2 lbs of powdered sugar, one cube of butter, and a half a cup of shortening...but is there anything better than buttercream frosting? Not for me!


  1. Love the video it came out great. thanks for the fun day we had a blast and ashlyn has been playing with her train all day it was a great hit.

  2. It looks like you guys had a great time! Joseph is the start of the birthday bashes...one right after the other! I can't believe it has been 2 years! Just seems like yesterday we were all in the mother's lounge at church feeding and changing our new babies! They are growing up so fast and are so smart and adorable! Love your blog!
