Thursday, March 5, 2009

Yesterday, Joseph had beef and macaroni, corn, and pudding for dinner (mostly just pudding...) Afterwards, he was a mess and jumped into the shower with Will. As he was getting out, he pinched his fingers :( He cried so much I was cradling him like a baby. As I held him, I noticed a large bunch of snot in his nose. I thought, wow, that is massive...

But as I walked into better light, I saw that it was bright yellow. It took a few seconds for me to process this and realize that it was a piece of corn! He had stuffed a corn kernel in his nose during dinner. Fortunately I noticed it because as he was crying, he was sniffling and it was about to go all the way up. Granted, he really could have just sucked it into his mouth and then swallowed it but he also could have choked on it without us even realizing what was happening!

As I sat there cradling him, I watched the kernel make its way further into his nostril. What to do? Tweezers, of course!

I am not looking forward to the body exploration stage. I've heard so many horror stories of rocks or other things in ears or nostrils.


  1. LOL! Gross! Atleast you found it before it became an issue like Matt and the sponge.

  2. I feel your pain...Abbie stuck a chunk of hamburger up her nose...we had the tweezers out and were ready to go "in" for the rescue...but she was so upset and cried so hard...the pressure made the wad fly out...I actually have a post on my blog about it...even pictures of it...gross...I know...but funny! Good luck...hopefully you got it out...It's so hard to explain that just because there is an opening...doesn't mean things need to go in them!

  3. Matt and the sponge... Now that was nasty thanks Marci for the reminder... Tracy that is too funny!!!! Boys will be boys... he he

  4. As far as things're starting off pretty mild!

