Friday, January 30, 2009

Porta Potty

I love my son! He's so cute.

As a preface, I may need to remind some of you that Joseph's potty is in the guest bathroom. We sit on it in the morning and the evening. Otherwise, there's really not much else going on in potty world.

Today I left him watching Backyardigans (again, TV :( oh well...) while I got in the shower. I usually close my bedroom door completely but instead left it a little bit ajar. I was almost done when I heard Joseph's "Mommy?" He walked into the bathroom, saw me, and then didn't say anything else. I was in the middle of washing my face and so couldn't look even though I kept hearing banging sounds. Kind of worrying. When I opened my eyes and wiped the water off the shower door, Joseph was sitting on his little potty! He had moved it to the exact same spot it was in before we put it in the guest bathroom. Maybe he missed sitting on the potty while mommy and daddy got ready in the morning :)


  1. So sweet! Potty days are coming for us in the near future...Good luck!

  2. Hope your having a great day, we miss you all. Tell Joseph hello from grandma Jolley. Have a great day. Love, Susan (Grandma Jolley)
